I got this CD from a bunch of young Iranian musicians and producers at the recent "WOMEX" world-music conference. The CD features extraterrestrial playing on the 3-string "Setar" and the "Tombak" goblet drum, beautifully recorded. I like this type of traditional music with breathtaking musical and sonic twists and turns. Being Iranian, this music is also a lot less known than it's cousins in India, Azerbaijan, Arabia and Turkey. The individual deftness of touch of both musicians is jaw-dropping - at times so light it flutters, but at the same time so full of life and panache; but it is their ability to play together that is a true wonder and often an explosive one. The solo setor pieces by Navid reminds me of the late great Nauri bozok player Matar Mohammed, and this CD will lead your ears into rare places and spaces.
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